How is your industry impacted?

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit positively impacts more industries than others. See where your industry fits in.

We serve many businesses across a wide variety of sectors. Below are some of the most positively impacted industries when it comes to claiming the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). Learn more about how we’ve specifically helped businesses in these industries by visitng our resources page.


Healthcare Customer

700 employees

$45K total credits found


Staffing Customer

4,800 employees

$541K total credits found

Assisted Living

Assisted Living Customer

470 employees

$62K total credits found


Motor Carrier Customer

1000 employees

$137K total credits found


Construction Customer

275 employees

$35K total credits found

Call Center

Call Center Customer

2,350 employees

$466K total credits found


Retail Customer

325 employees

$47K total credits found


Hotel Customer

120 employees

$23K total credits found


Restaurant Customer

50 employees

$16K total credits found

How is your industryimpacted?

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit positively impacts more industries than others. See where your industry fits in.

We serve many businesses across a wide variety of sectors. Below are some of the most positively impacted industries when it comes to claiming the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC).

Learn more about how we’ve specifically helped businesses in these industries by visiting our resources page.


Healthcare Customer

700 employees

$45K total credits found


Staffing Customer

4,800 employees

$541K total credits found

Assisted Living

Assisted Living Customer

470 employees

$62K total credits found


Motor Carrier Customer

1000 employees

$137K total credits found


Construction Customer

275 employees

$35K total credits found

Call Center

Call Center Customer

2,350 employees

$466K total credits found


Retail Customer

325 employees

$47K total credits found


Hotel Customer

120 employees

$23K total credits found


Restaurant Customer

50 employees

$16K total credits found

Don’t see your industry? We can help.