To get the most from WOTC, you need the best teammates

Many organizations save money on taxes by claiming the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). However, few utilize WOTC to its full potential. 

That’s because claiming the WOTC can be a complicated process. One challenge is gaining certification for WOTC-eligible employees via state workforce agencies (SWAs). 

SWAs are tasked with processing all WOTC certification requests within their state or territory. Each SWA faces unique challenges, and does things differently. Therefore, learning to gain WOTC certifications at high rates can require time, patience, and know-how.

That’s why we built a State Workforce Agency Team for our WOTC clients. Below are six actions they take on our clients’ behalf to ensure WOTC success.

1. Communication

Communicating effectively with government agencies is a skill that few have the patience or desire to learn. Whether you’re a small business owner wearing many hats, or a CFO managing a large budget, waiting on hold for unpredictable amounts of time is never the best use of your time. 

Our SWA Team knows who to email, which extensions to dial, and how to ask questions that result in answers and action. 

2. Relationship building

Communicating effectively with SWAs results in positive relationships with the people who work there. Our SWA Team takes pride in the long-standing, mutually beneficial relationships they’ve built with employees of SWAs. We understand that these good relationships lead to excellent outcomes for our clients.  

3. Paperwork

Building positive relationships with SWAs requires understanding the paperwork they require, and completing it accurately. SWAs often request supporting documentation in order to verify that the WOTC applicant belongs to a targeted group. Some documentation they may request includes:

  • Proof of veteran status
  • Ex-felon verification
  • Empowerment Zone residency verification
  • and much more.

Our SWA Team is highly skilled at obtaining and submitting all forms of supporting documentation requested by SWAs. 

4. Deadline management

SWAs process large volumes of WOTC applications, and many face months-long backlogs. For these reasons, knowing and meeting all deadlines is very important. Our SWA Team leaves our clients with nothing to worry about in this regard. 

5. Accuracy

Even if you complete the right paperwork and submit it before the deadline, an error can result in a denial for an otherwise WOTC-eligible employee. Our SWA Team safeguards against errors through a tested review process, and can boast of a nearly errorless track record despite managing thousands and thousands of WOTC submissions.

6. Challenging denials

SWAs also make mistakes from time to time. Successfully identifying these mistakes and bringing them to the attention of SWAs can result in thousands of dollars added to your bottom line. However, doing so can be an arduous and confusing process. 

Our SWA Team reviews every denial closely, and challenges them whenever necessary. We’ve successfully challenged hundreds of denials for our clients. 

Arvo has answers

Our SWA Team plays a crucial role in our company, but they’re only one part. From long-tenured tax attorneys to design-forward software developers, our entire team exists to help our clients get the most from WOTC and other employment tax credits. If you’re ready to transform your business with WOTC, choose Arvo.