The Work Opportunity Tax Credit covers the costs of recruiting and hiring, and then some

If recruiting and hiring were simple, the staffing industry wouldn’t exist. 

What’s more is that since the pandemic, staffing firms have had to clear two hurdles that don’t seem to be going away any time soon:

  1. The current and future labor shortage.  
  2. Rising recruitment and hiring costs.

Enter the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)–a federal employment tax program that can both broaden your talent pool and directly reward you for hiring certain job-seekers. 

We’ve helped many staffing agencies create lasting change to their bottom line through this program.

Expand your applicant pool

The WOTC rewards employers for hiring and retaining job-seekers from certain disadvantaged target groups, including: 

  • Veterans
  • Ex-felons
  • Residents of economically distressed areas
  • Recipients of certain forms of government assistance
  • Certain seasonal employees 
  • and more

Businesses who take full advantage of WOTC design their recruiting strategy to include applicants from these categories. This practice financially rewards both the business and the employee, and may also help the business fill open roles by incentivizing them to search in often-overlooked places.  

Get paid back for hiring

After WOTC-eligible employees are certified by the appropriate state workforce agency, they generate tax credits for their employer after working certain amounts of hours. The amount of credit any given WOTC employee can generate varies according to a handful of factors, but an average WOTC employee lowers their employer’s tax liability by $2150. 

Depending on the volume at which your business hires, and the associated expenses of doing so, tax credits earned through WOTC employees can offset or eclipse the overall cost of recruitment and hiring. 

Beyond this, reduced tax liabilities result in growth for your bottom line. 

Stronger workforces

Although some employers may hold biases against hiring WOTC-eligible employees, this should not discourage them from taking advantage of the program’s benefits. Research has shown that WOTC workers:

  • Perform better than or equal to their peers
  • Stay in their job as long or longer than non-WOTC employees
  • Are less likely to leave their job in the first year than their peers
  • Earn as much over time as their peers
  • Progress through career ranks at the same pace as non-WOTC employees
  • Are just as likely as non-WOTC employees to move to another job following their WOTC-eligible job (rather than unemployment)

Additionally, WOTC workers tend to come from diverse backgrounds, and bring diverse experiences to workforces. As a result, adding WOTC employees to any workforce can benefit DEI initiatives, and improve workplace cultures in a myriad of ways–including driving innovation and growth, according to Harvard Business Review.  

We have superior tools

We’ve helped hundreds of businesses claim over $650M in tax credits over the last decade. 

In our experience, most staffing firms have heard about WOTC, but haven’t realized its full potential–like this one, for whom we tripled their current WOTC credit. 

We’ve built tools and solutions to help staffing firms of any size claim the money they deserve. If you’re ready to get rewarded for helping keep the economy running, partnering with us is the right choice. We make claiming tax credits simple.